Teddy Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt

Perhaps America's greatest peacetime President, Theodore Roosevelt was a man of contradictions: a sickly child who came to symbolize strength and virility; a child of wealth who fought the wealthy on behalf of the common man; a New Yorker who made himself a cowboy; a hunter who built the national park system; a man who enjoyed war but accomplished peace. Connecting the dots between these seeming contradictions is a fascinating story, the story of Theodore Roosevelt.
Richard Francis Burton

Richard Francis Burton

Richard Francis Burton packed twelve lifetimes of adventure and scholarship into one. This real life "Indiana Jones" discovered the source of the Nile, traveled to forbidden cities, explored ancient religions and introduced generations of Europeans to the Arabian Nights and other classics of eastern fairytale. This is his story.
Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Ordinarily if you speak of world-famous inventor, a beloved author, and respected statesman, you are talking about three different people. But Benjamin Franklin was all these things and more. His life story is the story of colonial America, the story of the striving, self-improving man declaring his independence from his origins to become something more.


This is the story of Socrates, the man who drank poison rather than compromise his principles. Soldier, outcast, thinker; the man who has become synonymous with wisdom never thought himself wise, except perhaps in realizing that he knew nothing. We examine the life of the man who said the unexamined life is not worth living.